Today has been a very strange day and I don’t know what to do with myself so I find myself here....writing a blog entry because I cannot leave work and I can’t unleash the scream that is threatening to break free from my throat.
First Charlton Heston dies then I find out that one of the beloved members of my old church died yesterday. I was almost 1/2 way to work this morning and realized I had left my badge at home so I had to turn around to get it and was late to work.
Then I get a hysterical email from my cousin about one of our childhood friends this is basically all it said "Daddy said Tony got hurt - possible brain dead - start praying" WHAT!!!! It took me almost 2hrs to piece together what apparently happened:
Apparently, he was kicked in the eye while practicing karate and it started bleeding but then it started swelling. They took him in this morning b/c he was having symptoms similiar to a stroke. They then found out he had a blood disease....leukemia. He is responding but yet they say he is brain dead. Not sure when he was actually kicked in the eye.
I have to leave my desk to gather myself because I’m about to loose it 4real...come back and sit at my up my yahoo email and BAM....get the news that the mother of my mentor from college and the grandmother of my best friend/Imani’s godmother has passed away in New York.
I am emotionally drained. Please pray for me & my friends’ families. Because the internet is crawling with psychos and nut cases, I’m not going to post their full names but our Father in Heaven knows them so I beseech you to pray with me & for them all during this time.
Me :o(